Saturday, June 22, 2013

Colours I'm currently loving!


In the last month itself I've shopped for quite a few coral items- coral tops and shirts, coral lip colours and nail lacquers but I just can't get enough of it! I love how it gives you a pop, without being loud or in-the-face, and the element of sophistication it adds to your look. I love the colour so much, I would even love to do up my living room in this shade.


There was a time when green, all shades of which, fell into my list of most hated colours. Gladly that phase has not been long because oh how wrong was I! It's such a bold and bright colour, lime green especially, and spells fresh in caps. I suggest wearing not much of it at a time, maybe neon nails, as a contrast to an all white/black outfit, or a sheer neon blouse. Beware though, it's not a colour for the faint-hearted!


It's the only colour which can be strong yet demure and feminine at the same time. And fuschia lips! Sigh! I save it for the special occasions ;)

Don't these make black and white seem so boring?!

(All images courtesy

Friday, June 14, 2013

Life Lessons #1: Keep Calm and Ignore

It amazes me sometimes how much each day brings for us in learning. We've all already learnt so much and there's still such a long way to go, one of my most valuable lessons being the importance of being thick skinned in this world.

I for one am very sensitive and when somebody says something to me, good or bad- I tend to take it very seriously and it permeates all the way inside. Combine this with a short temper and a quick tongue and you have the recipe for disaster. A disaster for your personal wellbeing. I never really believed I could change that about me, but time has a way of doing the impossible. And for this impossibility turned possible, I am truly grateful.

Abhishek Bachchan's character says in Guru, "Agar log tumhare khilaf bolne lage toh samjho tarakki kar rahe ho", and I couldn't agree more. At every nook, turn and corner, are people who are unhappy, with themselves or with your success. They are insecure; and for many of them the best cure is to spread the negativity. They will take aim and try to hook the leash in you. The leash filled with anger, frustration, jealousy or unhappiness. And this can be done in so many ways; they will speak with you badly, try to put you down, treat you unfairly, or hundred other things. Don't give it a holding. Because when you do, when you let these things affect you, you are indeed spreading the pain. The best way to deal with it- think of your thoughts as a beautiful garden, and when you let something unpleasant affect you, think of that as allowing a dirty pig through the gates of your garden and letting it eat away at all your pretty little flowers. So lock the gates tight and very consciously decide who and what you want to let in. If all you do is react to people, then who is the real you? Respond, in a way that suits your personality, not theirs. Besides, I strongly feel that when somebody misbehaves with you it speaks volumes about their character and upbringing and very little about you.

Bottom line: Keep Calm and Ignore! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

GO CLICK: An Introduction

The internet is my happy place. Because here I get an honest answer to every little question on my mind; here I sometimes stumble upon some serious epiphany causing stuff as well! And this section is where I share it all with my readers. You'll find here a collection of the links I love, be it a great article or an interesting DIY guide. So don't forget to go click!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Every person has that one thing about how they look that they are obsessed with. For some girls (and a lot of guys too) it's their hair, for some it's their hips. For some guys it's their beer bellies and for yet others, like myself, it's their skin. So yes, I'm insanely, irrationally, psychotically obsessed with my skin. The first thing I notice in a person is their skin. For me it's your crowning glory. You could be average in every other way but if you have healthy, glowing skin, you're beautiful. I, in no way, am talking about complexion here because that's something you're born with and trying to alter your natural bearings does not go down well with me. Make the best of what you have and then make it better. That's my belief. (And fairness creams do not work. Period. They're a mean money making gimmick that plays on the most deep seated of insecurities, so you shouldn't even try)

Because I am neurotic about skin, I am forever looking for ways and means to make mine clearer, smoother and healthier. I've been to hundreds of dermatologists for that skin and religiously used the billion dollar products pushed in my face, but sadly, I do not vouch for them either. Another mean money making gimmick. The ONLY way for great skin is to work inside out. If you eat crap you look like it too. I know some people have the genes that let them eat what they want and still stay slim and gorgeous, but they are a rarity. For the rest of us, with problem skin, the following few things are sure to do the trick.

Green Tea is the one thing that you must start on immediately if you haven't already. It can't be more underrated! It's a powerful source of antioxidants and reverses the damage caused by the sun and pollution, two things you cannot avoid in today's day and age. It's very soothing for sensitive skin and fights redness and inflammation. Four cups a day and you'll be pleasantly surprised with how much smoother and radiant your skin looks. Ever wondered why the Chinese have such great skin?!

Another thing that works with every person is to start your day with a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of one lemon and 1/2 a teaspoon of honey. It cleanses the system and clean inside is clean outside.

Gorge on fruits! Fruits that must be eaten every day are apples, oranges and watermelons. I don't go a single day without an apple, watermelon juice and another seasonal fruit.

Irrespective of what your diet is make a glass of vegetable juice a part of it. The best ones to include are tomatoes, carrots, spinach, cucumber, amla, beetroot, sweet gourd (lauki) and bitter gourd (karela). It tastes very bad I admit but the glow on your face is inversely proportional to how bad it tastes. And anyway, I believe, after a certain age, you realize that the food you eat is less to do with taste and more with nutrition. That much discipline is required.

And most importantly, Water! Don't be rolling your eyes because it does work like magic and what they say is actually true. 4 liters of water, including juices, is needed.

I don't feel the need to harp about the benefits of any of the things I'm saying here because if you do them sincerely, you'll see the result yourself and the kick you'll get will keep you hooked. These things, if done regularly, not only work on normal skin but are also very very effective against bigger problems like acne and rosacea. If you can't manage to do them sincerely, it's because you don't want it enough and then you probably shouldn't get it because, well, let the ones who work hard get the glory right?!

Lastly three things, which even in small proportions cause a whole lot of damage, and that you should try to avoid are:
1) Refined flour (maida) i.e. biscuits, breads, pizzas, pastas etc of the non- whole wheat/ non- multigrain variety;
2) Sugary foods i.e. chocolates, cakes, mithais etc;
(When I think of any these, this small, really ugly creature with white eyes and horns like a devil comes to my mind and puts me off completely :P)
3) Fried foods.
I can't resist french fries. Once, when I avoided delicious looking french fries at the mall, I actually dreamt about them :D and they didn't leave my mind till I finally ate some! Now the thing about fried food is that it is the reuse of the same oil for frying that adds the saturated fats and cholesterol to the food. So if you're like me and you have occasional cravings, have food made at home and ensure you don't reuse the same oil for frying. This is for the once-in-a-while moods and does not mean home-fried food is okay, because it's not.

As of now, these things, which have become so ingrained in my routine that it doesn't feel like work anymore, do it for me! Hope they do it for you too!

Monday, April 15, 2013

HEALTH IT UP: An Introduction

As you must know by now, I'm a huge foodie. But we do know the wreck the savory indulgences can cause on us lesser mortals! And since I want what I want, over the years, I have learnt some amazing ways to cook the most delicious food using the healthiest of replacements and additions. Watch this space for an archive of all those recipes, all those tips and tricks which make me feel like there is hope after all!  I hope you love them too!

GORGEOUSNESS: An Introduction

A sharp jacket? Or fuchsia lips! Watch this space to know how fast these quick little things take you from girl-next-door to oh-so-chic!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


try  (tr)
v. tried (trd)try·ingtries (trz)
To make an effort to do or accomplish (something); attempt: tried to ski.
To make an effort; strive.
n. pl. tries (trz)
          An attempt; an effort.

Ever so often I hear people ridiculing the word 'try'. Brave-hearts assume that to say that you will try to do something is an excuse to not do it. So much so that this interpretation of the word was quickly finding its way into my psyche too. But as I say God loves me and I learnt better.

When a man in love tells his lady that he will try to be what she wants, he is unsure he is capable of it. But he wants to be, to make her happy. He is scared but is willing to face his fear to make her happy. He is not a super power. he does not know if he has it in him. But he wants to. That's why he says he will try. 

When a student tells her teacher that she will try to do better in the next test, she wants to. She has taken up the challenge. But she does not know what will be asked in the test. She will prepare well and hard. She will try to be prepared with everything.  But learning is tough and she doesn't know the depths of her brain. So she says she will try. It does not mean she will not do better in the next test.

When a person faces the loss of a loved one, she tries to let go. She tries to move on. But she feels the emptiness. She feels the void. She does not know how it's ever going to go away. But she hopes it will and she tries.

To try is to have the courage to stretch yourself, beyond your limitations. It is to be brave. It's easy to say," I can't." It is to know that the end result of all the effort may be negative, but knowing that you tried makes it a soothing balm. Reality is not black and white. It is not can do or can't do. It's anything but that. It's all shades of grey. To try is not a no. It's a yes.

Because all we can do is try.

The video- Try by Nelly Furtado, beautiful song, gives me the goosebumps.