try (tr
v. tried (tr
d), try·ing, tries (tr
To make an effort to do or accomplish (something); attempt: tried to ski.
To make an effort; strive.
n. pl. tries (tr
An attempt; an effort.Ever so often I hear people ridiculing the word 'try'. Brave-hearts assume that to say that you will try to do something is an excuse to not do it. So much so that this interpretation of the word was quickly finding its way into my psyche too. But as I say God loves me and I learnt better.
When a man in love tells his lady that he will try to be what she wants, he is unsure he is capable of it. But he wants to be, to make her happy. He is scared but is willing to face his fear to make her happy. He is not a super power. he does not know if he has it in him. But he wants to. That's why he says he will try.
When a student tells her teacher that she will try to do better in the next test, she wants to. She has taken up the challenge. But she does not know what will be asked in the test. She will prepare well and hard. She will try to be prepared with everything. But learning is tough and she doesn't know the depths of her brain. So she says she will try. It does not mean she will not do better in the next test.
When a person faces the loss of a loved one, she tries to let go. She tries to move on. But she feels the emptiness. She feels the void. She does not know how it's ever going to go away. But she hopes it will and she tries.
To try is to have the courage to stretch yourself, beyond your limitations. It is to be brave. It's easy to say," I can't." It is to know that the end result of all the effort may be negative, but knowing that you tried makes it a soothing balm. Reality is not black and white. It is not can do or can't do. It's anything but that. It's all shades of grey. To try is not a no. It's a yes.
Because all we can do is try.
The video- Try by Nelly Furtado, beautiful song, gives me the goosebumps.
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