Friday, January 30, 2009


The clock reads 1:17am. I’m on the couch in my living room with books sprawled all around me, studying for my Oracle exam, due (very) shortly. My mind keeps wandering. The syllabus is so boring and monotonous I just can’t concentrate. On a reflex I turn on the radio and the music enlivens my senses, like a splash of cold water. I feel all energized once again and go back to studying. The music is still playing. Its steady rhythm helps me concentrate and I’m back on track. Now many of you, especially those in the older age group won’t understand this. This post is especially dedicated to all those who don’t understand.

I did a little research on whether music does really improve learning or is it just an escape mechanism and this is what I found:

In simple terms, the human brain has a left and a right area. When both the areas are activated simultaneously, information is processed much faster. When you study, the left brain is active. Music stimulates the right brain. Thus if you’re studying while listening to music, both the brain areas are activated leading to better learning and retention of information. As simple as that!

So, the next time you see somebody trying to study and listening to music at the same time, don’t give them a hard time! Luckily my folks understand!

The clock reads 11.00 pm. I should be getting back to my books now if I wish to do well in this exam.


  1. It aint dat simple..I will tell you what happens with me(and with every other student,worth his or her salt)..Whenver i study,neither the right nor the left area of the brain gets activated,on the contrary,the lobe responsible to induce sleep is kick-started into life.But wen,while sleeping(er..studying)i happen to play music,both the areas get activated,thus beating sleep away.
    So in simple words,listening to music while studying makes u a good dancer!!

  2. Dear Namz, you have an engineering defect; what I explained is what normally happens; but its okay, I understand :)

  3. Yeah I can't disagree with that :) but this fact about music is more than just in the mind, it's also scientifically proven. That's what the whole point is - that there is science behind it too.
